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Yeah, well, I've taken a step back here. She tells me she's cut all ties to these people. Fine. I'm still concerned, obviously, about a lot of "trust" sorts of issues. The hard part is that she travels about every 6 weeks for work (she'll be gone for like a three day weekend) and the people she works with have a sort of morally casual attitude. I'm absolutely convinced, though, that she's not like that. The more removed we get, time-wise, from the "event" on Friday night, the more totally out of character it was for her. She seems to be honestly upset that her "friends" would do this to her, and she tells me that she doesn't plan on talking to them ever again because, as she put it, "They obviously have no respect for her or her relationship with me." Whatever that means. Anyway, I guess this has sort of served as a "wake up call" in this relationship. I'll explain:
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It means he likes effing you behind his GF's back. You're last name is saved so anyone who might go snooping won't be alarmed by a female name.
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No kiddin' man. And frosty... HOW ABOUT YOU UPLOAD SOME PICS, ALREADY! You shouldn't be allowed to comment until you do!! XD :P
He's obviously cheating. Dont fall for it, girl. He's a cake eater
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But anyway, enough thread-jacking....
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Should i ask how she would feel if i hung outWith my girl "friends" and stayed over there house alone at nite etc...? Or is this confrontational?