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Fullback at 06.09.2018 at 12:48
Yeah, wouldn't suggest doing the bar scene if you don't like bars or drinking.
Preform at 12.09.2018 at 16:14
Any or all...but 2 is the cutest...
Pathogenetic at 18.09.2018 at 06:00
Love. This. View.
Piascik at 23.09.2018 at 21:25
My only choice of having kids now is to date someone with them (which is so not what I want) I've BTDT and it was a nightmare.
Conine at 28.09.2018 at 18:01
One of the best ever!
Whalenm at 05.10.2018 at 06:20
dont they all?
Oblak at 06.10.2018 at 22:39
He has picked her over you? I didn't realize that he was in love with her. I must have not read one of your posts.
Paternoster at 12.10.2018 at 10:31
BUT when there are children involved it all seems like a bit of a cruel game.
Afton at 17.10.2018 at 17:30
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Crocker at 20.10.2018 at 23:24
This one is a bit different, most of the other posters are obsessed with women from a relationship which in most cases is dead and buried. You have the ex in your face!!! Also, the situations you describe would certainly make me very uncomfortable and unhappy and I don't feel you are in any way wrong to feel the way you do. (Playing *Devil's Advocate* I could of course say that maybe your recollection of events is somewhat distorted due to your position within the whole thing - but even so, the events themselves flash like warning signs to me.)
Jaenen at 30.10.2018 at 23:39
Yeah, he has been in a few long-term relationships: Two separate ones for 2 years and one for 5 years and I've asked him the same thing! He says these things have always been issues for him and he doesn't understand why people would do things any differently. There are so many other things:
Mcdermott at 02.11.2018 at 18:54
Wow! I had no idea! I have about 8 more pics of lefty and some of her friends. Pics are posted as if new. Clearly a sham by someone else. Because I felt safe I didn't search hard. My mistake. Won't get fooled again. I hope :)
Manthey at 11.11.2018 at 20:31
Fairness at 15.11.2018 at 20:33
The fusion of ultimate hotness. In her day (90s & early 2000s), I think Jennifer Conolly might have been one of the most atractive females in the history of mankind.