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She is a Romanian gem. Tall & sexy & definitely not to be missed. We shaked each other well. D position, brilliant. Definitely go back to see her. Take Care.
This one might be the cutest i hsve ever seen. Serious perfection going on here.
Oh lordy! She's effin hot!
Tight little body
waitaminit.. Just because you prefer blondes, doesn't mean she has to get her hair bleached. I prefer brunettes :)
Hired her for full night. Had a great experience was expecting a professional but shes much better. After some time we just wanted to sleep as she had exhausted me totally. In the morning when she woke up she had a shower and we got going again. My cock is totally worn out and will need to rest but then I will go back for more.
My dream come true...
And on that note, i shall return later !!
Hehe, yes, I do have to confirm with myself every now and then and make sure I'm not over thinking things. But since this was a change in pattern/behavior, it's kinda rocked my boat.
Just because it didn't work out with these girls doesn't mean it wont work out with others.
Okay so this took a bit of a turn. I decided to persist instead of moaning, but I will be expecting her to cancel plans again, but hey-ho let's give it one more shot, because there's been evidence that she is interested but she's also got a busy and stressful week. BUT I will aim to take out a different girl this Sunday, just incase.
I am not sure I will find out.
I just don't know what to think. It only really stuck in my mind when I told a friend and she said 'he wasn't standing next to you supporting you?' and seemed surprised that he was looking at the floor. He's in his 30s so not some 20 young boy, she said, but then said maybe he was just embarassed at the confrontation
That was this morning and I'm thinking the best thing to do is make him miss me, because I really like this guy and want him to realise what he's passed on.
Hopefully he agrees to do a good housecleaning of all the old reminders.
This girl is great
DAMN nice tits.
Sweet, stunning, lovely and beautiful!
many excess pounds on this one. Too many Big Macs
-she is really ugly, overweight, a lesbian, or all those things
way too skinny chicken legs
That was amusing. Thanks for that.