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So me and her took ecstasy last night. We never do that. But we took one each.
Well, a couple of weekends ago he went hunting. I went to my friend's house on Saturday. My friend, Josh, is absolutely adorable, loves books, theater, conversation, fantasy/sci-fi, plot (more than gore/action), AND gaming. He's also quite liberal, as far as I can tell, you know, that live and let live attitude like mine. I would love to be better friends with him (in fact sometimes I'm very strongly attracted to him. Brandon does not know this, and I try to keep it to myself because it makes me feel horribly guilty and I know I can't do anything about it anyway. I like to think Josh is attracted to me too... but that might just be my imagination. Or my over-large breasts. But Josh isn't that mindlessly horny) but because of Brandon, I can't. I offered Josh a shoulder-rub because he had slept wrong and I am, quote, "awesome at massage", and he said "I'm scared of Brandon." I can't even hug my friends goodnight! (Even the ones I'm not attracted to!)
She only recently got a linkedin and thus she would have had to accept/friend him AFTER i had caught her cheating several years ago.
Meeting 1: He left you to go with 2 other girls. It could be that he's just noble and wanted to take care of them, so you can't judge by this instance alone.
Hello, my name is Lee. I'm a real easy going guy. I have a great sense of humor. I love to be in love and love to be loved. I'm looking to be a part of someone's life, to share with someone all that.
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But that aside, I believe going out and flirting with guys to get them to buy you drinks (besides being immature and disrespectful) is just asking for trouble when you're in an R.