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I have a great personality/sense of humor and surround myself with those who possess same. I "play" well with others and enjoy meeting new people. I am compionate, down to earth. intelligent.
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I would tell Sam that you saw the messages & admit they hurt your feelings. Don't yell. Don't accuse. Just ask him to explain. If he apologizes & dials it back assume it was nothing. If he turns it around on you or gets angry, know you are headed for trouble. Since you are friendly with Michelle, I would also speak to her privately.
I have to stress the image part, big time. Who people think you are is as important as who you really are.
I think they were somewhat there, but not to this extent before my previous relationship. I definitely fell out of attraction with my bf before this last one, but I guess I did start out being attracted to him. But, same thing in the end, I hated even kissing him.
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He showed you he can't be trusted. At all.
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I will not give up a lifetime of the friends I have or the future friendships I may develop for a man. It is not healthy. People should have outside interests besides one another. I am not flattered by this. I find it annoying. He does it w/ FEMALE friends also!! Not just men!!! He does it when I spend time doing other things that don't involve him. Like seeing my family. He knows all my friends and family. We do things together w/ them, but I want to be able to spend time w/ them also. This is normal.
Oh I can do that in a freezing room.
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