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I don't know what I want. I guess I wish my boyfriend's family was not having a big lunch at the Marriot so I could just come over for an hour and chitty chat with them and then be gone by 1. So nobody felt slighted. I wish this wouldn't be a big deal on either side (my boyfriend or my mother). I imagine if I go to this Marriot lunch I won't be leaving till around 2 or 3...which is something to consider. I want to be fair to my family as much as I want to let my boyfriend know I care about his.
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Now I am an extremely shy guy when it comes to talkin to girls. And I mean EXTREMELY! What you need to do is try to find out her phone number. If that doesn't work, your going to have to approach her when she is alone. I do know how you feel about approaching a girl when she has friends. I wouldn't be able to do it either. BUT, if you like the girl enough, you need to approach her. Perhaps you could kind of follow her sometimes, until she gets alone, and then approach her, believe me it is much easier to talk to her when she is alone.
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Once he gets interest from a women who likes him, sometimes he'll even let the woman do the call initiating, and at that point he appears to be busy, which makes him mysterious and desirable. As you can see on this board, theres plenty of threads of "is he into me?"
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..... It's just how our living arrangements are. he lives an hours drive from me. When I have a day off, and I've slept over he'll ask me to stay another night and thus, I stay at his place whilst he's working that next day. I'll go out, but I thought that didn't need mentioning for the point of my post..
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I'm a very honest,truthful,kind,respectful person. I live my life in a very balance way. I am very spiritual and tend to live my life in a balance state. I do love down to earth people who have.