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Louis gave him a comforting smile. That's where Telltale lied to us though! Javier and Clem is just weird, they're just companions or buddies that help eachother a lot, but that smile that Javier gave to Gabe, just said it, Gabe and Clementine is possible, atleast she can get into some romance, I hope she is not like Carl from the walking dead tv show, takes 7 seasons to get into some love. Louis wrapped his arms around the small of her back and squeezed her so tight she could have popped. To the point where they'll risk each other's life for the other.

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I agree that was annoying in Season Two with Kenny and Jane. Gabe and Clem would be cute but Javier is at least 10 years older than Clem. He shook his head. Originally posted by HippieThugg:.

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