In massage parlors you will be asked to discuss what sort of pains or problems you are experiencing. Regardless of whether you have an appointment or not the receptionist will proceed to ask you a few questions. The additional items that you will find in massage parlors are the various essential oils that are used in aromatherapy, mild smelling lotions and creams. This discussion will help both the client and the therapist. A massage session will include an actual massage, although some customers may prefer to ignore this part of the service in favor of sexual services available.
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Wow any more of her?
I understand she does have a profession and makes money. It would be a downgrade in lifestyle but it's not like she'll be on the street with no means to support herself. I also assume that since he pays most bills she has nice savings.
Originally Posted by Anabella486
Arrogant? BWAAAHAAAA. That's rich. I am about the least arrogant person you'll meet here. I've just had a lot of experience with partners who put their own needs above their integrity. Much like you are doing currently.
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Yep--Thant's hot!!
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Cute - from what you can see.