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i know some of you guys are probably just going to tell me to man up and go and talk to girls but i just can't do it so easily. i don’t really go out that much.. maybe i should just go out more and see how it works out…
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Hello everyone, i'm new to the forum and I stumbled across this wonderful site by accident. My name is Jonnie and yes, I am a female. Anyways, I came to this forum for some help(duh). After pursuing many relationships, being cheated on, being abused, being taken advantage of, etc...I finally found the man of my dreams. Yay for me, right? Well, after being together for exactly 6 months, he lets me know that he needs some time. He was a real man about it. He drove over to my house which is about 45 minutes away, sat me down and told me the specific reasons he needed this.
I think the opposite, I wish everyone in the world would say no and I was the only one who liked her.
I didn't realize it but he was really in love with me for a long time and just did not know how to vocalize it. He had problems with other relationships in the past and wanted to make sure he could trust me before he committed to me.
Elswyth nailed it earlier in the thread and conveniently it got ignored.
Definitely make plans. Most guys who only write "I had a good time, it was great to meet you" without making plans on first text tend to disappear.
hit me up. 6 two zero- 9 five 2- fourteen zero .
Speed friending is LIKE speed dating, but...it's not exclusive to dating, it's for those seeking dates and/or friendships.
Personally I want to just follow my heart and call her when I feel like talking and not worry about it but I don't want to smother her.
I didnt even get a chance to meet her..
damn moody she is !!
well,he could've just told me i don't think this is working out because you don't feel the same way.but not just disappear
doops: MB69 #89737 aaasepi #78495 #116937 thyrocn #11785 dmny461 #71890 gorija #15758 jammin #15758
she is beautiful and i am gonna steal those pretzels from her cuz i haven't eaten all day -_-
skewlies gets this site, he just does.
My advice is to leave them all alone. It sounds incestuous with all these ex ex ex ex crushes and whatnot. Messy messy messy.
Trick or treat?
She's out trick-or-treating. I bet she got lots of candy.
Do you need a morality check?? Hell no. While she's legally married, she's emotionally divorced and with no chance of reconciliation you have a hunting license.
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