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I am wondering what your next message would be should she reply. Let's say I'm her. "NYC". What is your next question? Because I'm pretty sure the conversation will die and that will be the end of that. Your goal is to get her to meet you, this is urgent bc ppl lose interest very quickly. The best dating website I've found is this one (nicknotas)...I've asked my male friends to read it because I am too nice of a friend to point out the mistakes they make with women.
Virtually all of us were wild and gorgeous in our 20's. Nobody wanted to settle down.
Wow...just wow...
im a 35 year old black male who loves the ladies and like chillin when ever time permit.
According to you this is the way to be for a role
you're concerned about 4 dumps out of 113 votes? just about every pic is guaranteed to get a number of dumps regardless of how cute she is.
I figured, even if he did leave, did I want to be in a relationship with someone where their past fidelity was an issue? Esp. in your situation- being cheated on is abuse in and of itself, which you don't need. (And he may never cheat on you, but you wouldn't really be getting off on the right foot...)
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i am a family oriented. i am God fearing i am real easy going to talk to and a.
5 minutes later she stands by the bar... Looks over at me and smiles, like she is pretending it's the first time we saw each other that night... In my head I'm just like "WHHAAAAATTTHHHEEFUUUUCKK?"
Very friendly high class super hot girl with perfect assets and maximum pleasure.!! had a great real girl friend experience with her..Thank you baby for everything and hope see you again and try new experiments..
It has always been treated differently with guys in the background compared to guys as part of the picture.
When you have complaints about a friend or family member's significant other, I think it's best to keep that to yourself. If you become vocal about it your family member, uncle in this case, will likely get pissed off. You're involving yourself in his personal affairs, casting judgement on the woman that he for all intents and purposes loves, and it is likely he will not respond well to that.
I like this re-visit.
Haha! We know DU (y)
Yes you're right. I need to get my head together. But i still have to figure out how to lessen the contact a bit to avoid this happening again. Well, it wouldn't happen again as i'd just remove myself from the picture. While my mindset if screwed up, i doubt i'm gonna be able to fix it right this moment.
That is just fantastic
The reason no one does them is they are a terrible idea. There is no way to transition into kissing her at 9:30 AM. There is no alcohol to loosen up her inhibitions, and it is just not romantic at all.
I'm a trucker currently working in the oil fiel.
it says, didnt crop this picture quite enough...lol
As you may guess, I wasn't particularly pleased with this and said that it isn't that common to have guy friends that you drive 6-7 hours to spend a week with, even once a year. She disagreed and I dropped it. Over the next couple days she kept talking to me, but I wasn't quick to respond as I was irritated. A few days later I called her and told her it wasn't going to work out because of our schedules and the distance we lived from each other. She acted ok with that, but a few days later texted me and asked me how I went from "hot to cold so quickly". I told her that I wanted a relationship but she said that neither of us were able to make a commitment to try and see each other whenever we could. I argued with her that that is exactly what we had been doing for months, but she was insistent.
oh.. my.. god... the best HP ever!
That's pretty insane, I never thought about that before. I've come across obviously fake profiles before, but usually they were very poorly-made. If a majority of these female profiles are fake, then they're doing a damn good job at faking them.
So yeah. Unless you want nsa then time to get him out if your life. Don't think he is going to change.