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No offense to your ex but she sounds a little needy and crazy.
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Best of luck, I know it'll be really hard to end this, but It'll be for the best. If she really is faithful and made a mistake, she'll understand that you need time, and the two of you may get together again in the future. If she wasn't faithful or was cultivating an Emotional Affair she'll move on really quickly with this new guy and be bitchy to you.
Sunday I added Nancy to my facebook and myspace and all that, blah blah. Didn't hear from her Monday, wasn't real worried. Last night got into an argument with Julie talking to her online because now she claims I said something messed up to her Friday, despite that we always mess with each other. She got pissed off because I said that to her, so she signed off, still mad. Left her a message on facebook, apologizing for whatever it was I said. Now I'm thinking I got her jealous because I hit it off with her friend.
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OP had a witness....she investigated further...busted. Jerk got called out, tried to gaslight the OP. Who care about everything else.....the guy was cheating and couldn't even lie his way out of it...loser.
any specific examples? situations?