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It would be a nice surprise to have him open the car door of an expensive car and not have to say " Hey I have a $ 85,000 Viper , Wanna go for a ride ? " beforehand.
If you don't understand why she is upset, go take a cold shower and ask your lady friends to explain it to you. That you had to come here to ask this question tells me you have a LOT to learn about women, consideration, thoughtfulness, etc.
These are things ive been telling myself, however Ive been brought up to give people a second chance. I actually dont believe she cheated, shes been cheated on in the past and told me how much it shook her, I cant see her putting someone else through that.
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I guess I'll just sit back and see how it goes from here until I'm just so tired of posting about it I actually just say ok **** you and leave.
I'm curious to know what other's opinions are on when it is appropriate to have the exclusivity talk before becoming intimate? How many dates...how much time has passed....and who should bring it up?
Just let him know you aren't looking for a relationship
"12 15 2008" "13 27"
I don't think his Xmas email was rude, which part do you think is rude?