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What you need is experience in relating to someone of the opposite gender one on one, sexually, emotionally, vulnerably.
You say that you "became infatuated with her", that when you were with your affair partner ("AP") you were "on cloud 9", and that she made you "feel awesome". You also said that after she broke up with you that your "feeling for her are not any different". Thus when you say that "The worst part is I can't bring myself to tell my wife and move past this so I have to deal with the guilt on my own", I call bull. You are still hopping for the opportunity to resume the affair. If your AP wanted you back again, guilt would not stop you from happily jumping at the opportunity to cheat with her again. You are not telling your wife because if you wife knew about the affair, it would make it that much harder for you to resume the affair again if given the opportunity by your AP. The only reason that you are "miserable" is because you miss your AP not because of any guilt over cheating on your wife.
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