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A few minutes pass and the girl along with her friends decide to head back inside. I said it something along the lines of "Have a good night, I guess I'll probably see you in a lecture in the future". At this point she just grabs the back of my head with both of her hands and presses her mouth against mine. I was caught completely by surprise, but my near instantaneous reaction was to shove her away as firmly as possible without actually knocking her to the ground.
Originally Posted by lurker74
I'm 26 and trying something ne.
He also skipped the question when he was asked abt his status. later he said suddenly.
i just don't know if i can totally see past the money when it affects everything we do together, everywhere we are, what he's wearing, how he smells (divine)......i don't want to resent him!
[quote=Trialbyfire;1181570]Why do you need to compete with fantasy of this nature? It's like saying that men should never look at any beautiful women while walking down the street because you've met all his needs. Do good-looking men never catch your eye? Don't try to blindfold your men.
OP, I think you should give her the space she needs. It may be cold feet or it may be something deeper. Either way, you do not want to marry her with such obvious issues. Losing the spark may be a temporary thing or it may be something that breaks your relationship.
I'm not saying to give up yet.. but PROBABLY she isn't interested anymore.
her response was along the lines of:
The price on her visa bill was $41.43. I went to the exact store she did and it was selling for $41.43 with tax included. I'm broken now. I feel like a pile of crap. Why would she lie to me?
Wow, those boobs are so nice and I love when girls wear tops like this. They just want to fall right.
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Well by NC I mean I'm not gonna pursue her anymore, and I'm not going to talk to her online, or check her facebook statuses. I left the ball in her court, if she doesn't respond about us going out before Thurs then that's a clear indication.
as long as your comfortable everything else shouldnt matter