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In real life, I definitely see that there are a lot of greedy people with skewed desires haha, but I see the "exceptions" (if that is what they truly are) too --- and I myself am one :P
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FACT: every girl in this world will have male friends, including ur girlfriend... it cant be helped, so just accept it.
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I am fun and very silly and athleti.
She didn't want to kiss or make out after 4 dates. She doesn't initiate contact and when you initiate contact she doesn't contribute much to the conversation. You think she seems apprehensive re: physical contact. You aren't overthinking this. Your Spidey senses are tingling for a reason. This chick either isn't into you or she isn't into sex. Either of which are dealbreakers. Unless you aren't into sex, either, then carry on.
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Now in time it might turn out that you two really are super compatible, but only time will tell. Right now they're just hormones and chemicals that are giving you this great excited feeling. THEY MEAN NOTHING LONG TERM. The problem is in thinking those feelings are more important then they are and then ignoring flags because you want to keep feeling good. That is the downfall of many.
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Yeah I think that's EXACTLY it. LOLOL.
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He's not necessarily smarter than you, just more knowledgeable. You can correct that, you know, by keeping up with current events, reading the newspaper, etc. If you aren't interested in those things, you might have incompatible interests. Maybe he'd be good for a short-term thing, I don't know. Depends on how he and you feel about it. I would have a hard time being with someone long-term where we didn't have much to talk about.