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Seriously though, sex can be, and many times is, the glue that holds a relationship together. I say communicate your needs, and if she doesn't want to go along with it, then you make your choice. How would she feel if she came home and said she needed to talk, and you say, nah! I know I'm going to get blasted by some women (who'll probably say, "relationships is more than about sex" and you're right), but sex is an important piece of the puzzle. Same as honesty, openness, things in common, etc. If she isn't open to tending to your needs, then should you be open to hers? A healthy relationship is all about helping to meet each other's needs.
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Now at this point I am inside of her and we're having what I call SEX. I felt no passion, I felt guilty, I felt ashamed, and I felt no love at all whatsoever while doing this. All I could think about was the person that I was in love with and what this was going to do to her and I's relationship and how hellish it was going to be because of it. Now during this I did try to pull back a few times (It was too late basically anyways) and by pull back I mean, to stop it and say No I can't do this anymore. But she had her legs wrapped TIGHTLY around mine so basically she was thrusting herself on me and I was more or less laying there kind of vined together. Now, I had said and stated it pretty clear that this isn't right and that I can't keep doing this and that I didn't want this. But it went to the point where I couldn't let go outside of her and it instead was let loose inside of her. That is something I NEVER wanted to happen either.
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I never really even thought about how to ask this question. Usually after the first major makeout session or two, me and my date will just start discussing what we like during sex and I would ask how often they like sex or she would ask me. It was always a very natural and easy conversation. I have had an awkward or bad situation arise just from asking. I would just ask straight out after things get really heavy or actual intercourse occurs.
Two of my guy friends have significant others - one is married and one has a girlfriend. The other two, well, they respect me and if they wanted to date me at one time, that time has passed because I made it clear to them that I was not interested in that. So, for years, all four of these young men have been only friends to me, especially because if they were inappropriate with me, and since I am in a serious relationship, the friendship would not continue. As for speaking about my SO, they never spoke ill of my former fiance, but they did urge me to leave him, knowing of how bad he was for me. That's what friends are supposed to do (i.e. support each other).