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I don't think I need to go any further. Only she can change herself. Using excuses to justify herself is sufficient indication that she doesn't want to change.
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It sounds like you just bought her some cake and she's pretending to be oblivious to your belief that you guys may be dating.
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I have a feeling, given your past history of unhealthy relationships, that you will find "the crazies" anywhere you go... I find it amusing that you think this has anything to do with geography. It doesn't matter where you live, your tendency to attract unstable women and your inability to establish healthy boundaries in the relationship starts and ends with you. It will follow you wherever you go...
"As you can see that how beautiful and pretty she looks, for sure if you meet her you will discover that her soul and heart are even more beautiful, I admired her character her honesty, I found every thing beautiful from Lily. That's why during two week of my stay in Abu Dhabi I met her 4 times we had a really great and joyful time together. Now I am back in my country I miss her a lot from my heart. And I am planning to visit UAE in the next few months, one of the reasons is to meet Lily again.
Guys be kind and respectful to her because she has a kind heart and respectful character.
I just hope I haven't put her off when I said "Fair enough, I'll leave it then. Maybe some other time" and she later said "That seemed a really weird text off you.." but least she offered me another time. Hoping that she doesn't think I'm going to turn weird or something, unless she meant it was "out of character" acting like that, considering all our messages have been VERY upbeat and flirty.
I think approaching women in a gym is a but creepy. As a girl, you want to feel like you can just do your thing, get all sweaty, without being aware that guys are checking you out.
You know Moi, I've known women to indulge in this type of fantasy, but I've never known a man to. Being that I'm not close to my buddies in regards to what turns them on, when it comes to women, maybe you lovely ladies know something that I don't.
If there are ladies still out there that find that sort of thing attractive, I'm so ther.
But saying that I am classed also as anxious preoccupied and I am sensing that he is already telling me he is avoidant/commitment phobic. Should I take the hint? He told me that 'You are one of the most intelligent people I have ever met.' I do not take that as a compliment merely him stating that I am too much of a challenge to his ego?
"I don't want anything serious" sounds like a challenge
I'm 19. Bicourious. I'm friendly and easy to get along with. Just lookin for someone to have some fun (.