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Same girl, different dress #84692.
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Love her budzash def. try to get more of her up here.
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Well said, exactly, spot on
Dear uploader. You're lucky the girls are so pretty, because it's a no-brainer this pic should have been cropped. Like, at least in half. And more. Do it. It's easy. Use Paint. Just crop it until all we can see is pretty girls. Thanks.
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I met up with a woman yesterday late afternoon. Everything went great, she was super cute, made out for a few, yada yada yada, who cares. But at one point, I was telling her something about my work, and she said 'I know....I googled you'.
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Love this pose! Great body and facial expression!
I'm pretty sure that qualifies as a sexual comment
Most guys sex and love are two separate things...they can have great sex without the emotional attachment. Sex is just sex.