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couldn't go wrong with either one! she's a little cutie...a couple of great uploads! (y)
love the thong hangin out!
Didn't want to appear too overly eager, despite the fact I AM eager.
...then if she calls you back, great! Just be cool and 'listen' to what she has to say next - before you put yourself out again.
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But I mean just because a friend is in a relationship doesn't mean he doesn't have a time for a social life outside of the relationship. I hang with my friends in LTR here and there, but rarely compared to my single friends.
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All I had the heart to say back was “I have a wife”
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My view: She is looking at the other side of the grass which is always greener. Love seems lacking. Communicate and know her better to see if she's the type that is never satisfied with what she has. If so, do you still want to marry her eventually?
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It's funny that you mentioned elevators. He really likes elevators.
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